
Let me help you with everything you need to know to sell your property for the right price and as quickly as possible.

Lucy Brown

Lucy Brown

I will assist you throughout the selling process and many of steps along the way.

Let me help you with everything you need to know to sell your home for the right price and as quickly as possible.

If you have any questions about selling your property, please call me and I will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

You will be provided with a clear road map of what it takes to successfully sell your real estate.

I will let you know, step-by-step the levels of support and customer care you can expect from me.

I will explain agency relationships and how seller representation works. And I will explain how the commission is paid and distributed.

Selling Real estate

Making A Life Experience

Brokerage Office:

Brown & Coker Realty
157 W Carolina Ave,
Hartsville, SC 29550

Lucy Brown REALTOR®

(843) 858-4370